Somewhere Out There!

Somewhere out there in the universe is the pathway to seeing all of God’s promises fulfilled in this lifetime.

“We must work, while it is day because when night comes–no one can see enough to get anything done.” (Paraphrased)

If we do not do everything while we have an opportunity to do it–while we yet have breathe in our bodies and the use of our limbs, when we are dead–our darkness has come–it will be too late.

Since death does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, or ethnicity, none of us are exempt from leaving here–the planet earth–at any time. Even though I plan to live until I’m ninety-five; I have no idea what God’s plans for me are–as to when He’ll call me home. So, I’ve made up my mind, that no matter what happens, there is an avenue by which I can reach all of my goals and fulfill God’s plans (with ministry) before it’s time for me to go. Somewhere out there-on planet earth, there are people who are in position to do what must be done–God is speaking to hearts and I pray that those He is speaking to are listening.

None of us were intended to live a life in isolation and we are all supposed to help one another (“Be helpers of one another”); especially those in the body of Christ. So, I’ll wait to hear from those He has spoken to on my behalf.  I know you’re out there–somewhere. But don’t wait too long to respond to His voice. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and if I’m sure you don’t want to miss being a blessing to others.

God bless you richly for being obedient and doing all He puts upon your heart to do–for whoever He says to do it for or with. He is also speaking to someone on your behalf and I pray all are listening and willing to do–because somewhere out there–there are those who hold the keys to blessings meant to overflow and overtake all who are in need.

Comforted to Comfort!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3,4 NIV).

This reminder from Paul shores up my belief that all blesses from God to us are to be used to be blessing to others.

Any wisdom received from God should be used with and for others, not just selves.

Financial blessings received from God through whoever or whatever the source He chooses to release them, should be used to be a blessing for others.

The mercy God shows us, we should extend to us–knowing that He didn’t have to show mercy, but His love towards us–resulted in us receiving mercy and we should extend the same mercy towards others.

When God comforts us–in the wee hours of the night, sitting by the bed of a loved one who is ill or dying, we have received the tools we need to comfort others–compassion, patience, endurance and a heart of flesh–not stone.

With all of the turmoil swirling around us today–impending wars, terminal illnesses, rebellious spirits, economic uncertainty, and the loss of loved ones–receive the comfort of the Lord and be ready to comfort others, just as He comforts us–without faultfinding, finger-pointing, reciprocal expectations or anything other than–love. What He does for us–we should willingly do for others when the need arises.

Pray for one another at all times. Be ready to provide a shoulder for others to use (not for pity parties) in a time of need. Be ready to have a listening ear and a word of encouragement.

Remember that God works through people for the benefit of people. Listen, hear, and obey.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to hear and do all You ask of us so that others may see You in all we do.

Share The Conviction!

“We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion” (Hebrews 3:14,15 NIV)

Who has come to share in Christ? The writer then was referencing those who were sharing the Good News as they traveled the land. What are we doing now to share the Good News? There are a number of people who may not be able to travel the land, but they are certainly leaving their footprints on the Internet—sharing the Good News—for all who wish to receive it. Even those who do not believe have access to the Good News—what they choose to do with it is up to them. What a marvelous use of technology!

What an awesome responsibility! We have this great expanse to use the Internet wisely and to the glory of God, not self! We, who know God, must exercise care when sharing the love of God and understanding of God’s Word. We must make sure we know The Word and can rightly divide The Word so we do not divide the Body with erroneous information. Having a relationship with God puts us in a good position to hear from Him and He can explain anything we do not understand and help us to explain it to others.

We must also hold fast the convictions we had when we first came to the Lord—knowing we are forgiven, receiving His unconditional love, and sharing our testimony with all who will listen. We must never lose our zeal for the things that brought us to a place where we know we walk in God’s favor so we can help others reach that same place. We must encourage those who do not know Jesus to come to the fountain of love and receive eternal life. We must admonish all to make a decision—today—while they have an opportunity to do so—to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Today! If you do not know the Risen Savior—won’t you take the time to learn of Him while you have a chance and to make Him the Lord of your life? There are no magic formulas, no magic words, to ask Him into your heart. God knows your heart and He responds to sincerity. Isn’t it time—for you to receive God’s best for your life? Aren’t you tired of trying to figure things out for yourself?  The Gospel of John reveals Jesus in such a personal way that I have always found it difficult to understand how anyone reading it could turn away from Him. The love that covers a multitude of sins richly abides in this segment of The Word.

I do not know who might be reading this, but I will say this much. God loves you and wants only the very best for you. Will you repent of all wrong doing and make room in your heart for His love? He forgives all our sins when we ask for forgiveness. Once He forgives us, He remembers our sins no more—but that does not mean we should go back to practicing sin. We are saved by grace—God’s unearned favor and that same grace will keep us from dishonoring our love for Him.

God bless your decision to make room for Him in your heart so He can guide your life.  God bless those who are already living according to His Word and are sharing The Word with others.

Choices And Consequences!

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…”(Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV).

To be blessed or be cursed--is a choice we make–based upon our decisions.

We either choose life–being obedient in all that God says, or we choose death, being cursed–when we disobey.

In the life of a true believer–the choice is simple. We understand the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. When we know God through our relationship with Him–nothing that happens in life is a surprise. We know we are either blessed or cursed and we know we are the ones who choose whether we are blessed or cursed.

Today, a decision has to be made that will affect the rest of our lives and the lives of our children. We must exercise wisdom in all things and know that God has established a credible witness (Holy Spirit) who will testify to what He sees and hears. We cannot fool God–we can only fool people and that for only a short period of time. The truth will always be revealed–when we least expect it–the lies shall be uncovered for all the world to see. Shed the cloak of deception and drape the garment of righteousness around you and those you love–choose life and be blessed!

Leave no room–in your heart or mind–for the enemy to continue to influence your thoughts and what you do. Time is not manipulated by us, but controlled by God. We have been given another chance to get it right–let’s do it, today!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to understand that we must obey Your Word, even when it goes against the grain of popular opinion or political correctness. It is Your Word that gives us life and puts us into position to be blessed by You. Give us the strength to stand against the winds of adversity–fully focused on doing Your Will and not our own. We declare all works of the enemy void and powerless in our lives and it is done! Amen!

This Is My Prayer!


I ask You to look upon this world and all of its inhabitants and

Touch hearts that need emotional healing,

Touch bodies that need physical healing,

Touch minds that need mental healing, and

Touch finances in such a way that all are blessed to be a blessing.

Speak to the hearts of those who govern others so we may know peace in the land.

Speak to the hearts of those who hate others for no reason so love can overflow.

Speak to mothers and fathers and guide them in being the parents You want them to be.

Speak to children and give them instruction in how to be obedient and respectful to all.

Speak to teachers and show them how to teach.

Speak to students and open their minds to learning and being the best they can.

Speak to leaders in every venue–businesses, government, school, churches, and homes and remind them to conduct themselves as representatives of who You are–seeking to defend the rights of the poor and needy, wherever we find them.

Look upon those who are lost–not having known You and put one of Your children along their path, so they will come to know You.

Look upon all those who serve You and grant them favor everywhere they go with everyone they meet.

Examine each and every one of us–show us where we need to improve in our relationship with You and with others.

Remind us of Your Word through the Holy Spirit who guides and teaches all who will receive.

Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer.

Pour out a special blessing for all who agree with it and share it with others–loving like Jesus, unconditionally.

In Jesus’ name I pray and thank You, Amen!

Are You The One?

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers” (Psalm 1: 1-3 NIV).

Are you the one who is blessed?

Are you out-of-step with the wicked (not going along with everything the wicked–those who never knew God– do)?

Are you standing on the other side of the street (figuratively speaking)–away from the sinners (those who once knew God, but turned away)?

Are you sitting far away from those who mock (not joining in) those who believe God?

Are you taking pleasure in God’s commandment of loving, unconditionally?

Are you reading and meditating on the Word throughout the day?

If you are doing all these things–then The Word says–you shall be like a tree planted by streams of water–always being watered by the Word–establishing deep, strong roots (foundation for living God’s way) and you will have good success at whatever you do (everything you do, prospers).

Are you the one?

When we do what God tells us to do we can expect to receive what He says we will get. When we don’t–there is still an expectation–though not a pleasant one–we will receive the consequence of our actions.

God help us to be the one who lives according to Your Word so we may blessed with all spiritual and natural blessings in all we do. Remind us on a daily basis to share the love You have poured into our hearts and convince others to seek You for themselves by our conduct and in being a living testimony of Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen!


For All Of Our Tomorrows!

Father, in the name of Jesus,

Look upon us kindly, correcting us, guiding us and loving us.

Have mercy upon all who have yet to acknowledge You.

Don’t remove from Your Spirit from this place, but keep us mindful of Your presence.

Create in us a desire to please You and to be a model to others in doing so.

Help us to understand Your plans–plans to prosper us and not to harm any–and to live according to Your Word.

Keep us prayerful–always looking to You for answers and solutions–always considerate of others.

As our number in age increases–grant us increased wisdom and knowledge in abundance.

Help us O God to not judge matters that only You can judge since we have neither heaven or hell for anyone.

Help us to keep our minds stayed on You, no matter what our circumstances may be.

Speak to our hearts, Lord and help us to understand that loving You and loving others is the only way we can affect change in our lives.

We look to You, the only Wise God of all creation, for everything we need and desire and we thank You for keeping us in position to receive every blessing our eyes have not seen because of our obedience to You and Your love towards us.

Never let us forget to proclaim just how awesome You are!


Run Me Over!

“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey The Lord, your God” (Deuteronomy 28:2).

Whenever I think of this passage of scripture, I think about an 18-wheeler, running me down and overtaking me on the highway and being left standing, more blessed than I could handle.  You may not have the imagination I have when you read this, but just think about it for a minute.  If we just obey God, His blessings will come upon us and overtake us! Wow!

Now, what are the blessings?  All those listed throughout the next 11 verses, are our blessings to expect when we are obedient.  His promises to us:  we’ll be blessed no matter where we live, our children will be blessed and anything we produce will be blessed, whatever we put our hands to (constructively) will be blessed, we’ll be blessed going into places and coming out of places, our enemies will be defeated in front of us, people will know we belong to the Lord by our actions and welcome us into their presence, we will be blessed with abundant prosperity, we’ll be the head and not the tail (start businesses and not just be the last hired)–if we pay attention to what The Lord has said and are not deterred by what men say, God will bless everything we do when we are obedient to Him.

When we don’t obey or just ignore His commands and become more concerned about what man has said, we open ourselves to the curses–a much longer list in the same passage of scripture.  Beat down by curses or run over with blessings? It is our choice.

I don’t know about you, but I want God’s blessings to run me over and never stop!  Now, I have something to do.

Lord, keep me focused on what You have said and help me to obey and to remind others of Your goodness, daily.  In Jesus’ name, I pray and thank You, Amen!

Blessed or Cursed?

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV). 

Many people do not like to be reminded of what is said in Old Testament scriptures and actually attempt to discredit much of which is said.  While I will not enter into a debate about it, I will point some things out that have come to pass, just as The Word said it would. 

I have always considered Deuteronomy 28 to be the book of blesses and curses, simply because the first 14 verses talk about how God will bless us.  And then from verse 15 through 68, we are told how we become cursed–through disobedience.  Notice there are far more scriptures relating to how we’ll be cursed than how we are blessed. 

And then are those people who would attempt to discredit a person’s ability to “choose” to believe God.  We see in this verse–that we have always had a choice–to be obedient or disobedient.  We choose life or death; blessings or curses by our obedience or disobedience to God’s Word.  Now for those who don’t believe God exists, that’s a choice, too. But for those of us who profess an unwavering belief in God and His Word, we are accountable for what we do–we should all be walking in the blessings of the Lord. 

The bottom line for me is simply this:  If I am obedient to God in “all” He says (love Him and love others), I will be blessed and everything I put my hands to shall prosper.  If I choose to disobey (hold hatred against others and create chaos and confusion by my words or acts), then I can expect my efforts not to do much of anything, but be cursed. I get it!

I choose life and prosperity and being blessed over being cursed.  What about you?

Getting Rich!

“The blessing of the LORD, it make one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22 paraphrased).

For everyone who has ever tried a “get-rich-quick scheme” and failed, there is a way to assure riches and that way only comes from God through His blessings.  Solomon understands that the blessing of being obedient result in abundant wealth.  Just look at life!

When Solomon had an opportunity to receive great wealth from God, he asked for wisdom.  And because he did not ask for wealth, and because he was obedient, he received great wisdom and abundant wealth, until he was influenced by his flesh instead of his faith in God.

But The Word reminds us that God has given us “power to get wealth” through the Holy Spirit.  When we allow the Holy Spirit to reign in our lives, we can expect to see the promise made to Joshua (fulfilled in our lives) when God told him that “whatever he put his hands would prosper” when he was obedient.”

When God blesses a person, He does not add any sorrow (regret) to the blessing, but sometimes we end up with sorrow and regret because we did not know (had no wisdom) how to handle the blessing. We see this in those who have won large jackpots in lotteries and still end up miserable and broke.  For many, who do not understand, the blessings of the Lord are not just material things, but happiness, joy, peace and good health.  When we can appreciate these things and are willing to hear and obey, we have access to receiving great riches.

If we want great riches, we must hear and obey and have faith in His Word.  Lord, give us wisdom in how to receive all that You desire to give us and in what to do with that knowledge and wealth so we can to help eliminate the struggles of others.