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Because of my love for words, I keep writing, searching for another way to entertain all who read my work. Hopefully, my readers will enjoy and let me know–every once in awhile–what they think.


new gift cvr (2)http://www.amazon.com/Mary-M.-Hall-Rayford/e/B00BAW31CQ  Where all books can be found and purchased!Picture3poetry cover2For the past few months I have been on a mission to get as much of my work published as I possibly could.  Perhaps, my goals are a bit lofty, but I believe I have a great deal to say and that people, for the most part will be interested in what I have to say.

If making money was my focus, I’m smart enough to realize that would be a complete waste of time since I do not write genres that most people read.  I don’t write erotic, urban nonsense, or fantasy about the resurrected dead in various forms of invention.  I write to entertain, enlighten, educate and inspire.

My varied experiences in the world of work have given me much material to use in story-telling, my only hope is that I develop as a story-teller so people will read what I write.  A number of people have indicated (through their reviews) that I’m on my way, but may not be there yet.

In spite of what anyone may think or the reviews they write, I will continue to write–to vent, to instigate dialogue with fellow writers, to entertain by creating interesting characters and escapades, to enlighten others about cultural differences, to educate all who are interested in learning and responding to finding ways to educate all children, and to inspire all to develop and maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is why I write.  I will not apologize for subject matter or stances taken and if any are offended, think about why the material may offend.  I do not know my readers personally, so therefore I have to need or desire to offend, but I acknowledge that I have a right to disagree with the positions of others just as they have a right to disagree with mine, respectfully.

On that note, I encourage you to read my work for yourself and determine whether I am meeting my goals for writing.  Thus far, all digital books are available on Amazon and paper copies at respective publishers.  Please read, enjoy, and review.

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