Our Hope Sustains Us!

Our Hope Sustains Us!

The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God. But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.Arise, LORD, do not let mortals triumph; let the nations be judged in your presence. Strike them with terror, LORD; let the nations know they are only mortal. Psalm 9:16-20 NIV

It’s a good thing that most of us know–unequivocally–that our hope is in The Lord, not fickle men who change at every whim of thought or criticism.

Apparently, none of the GOP have ever had to deal with “pre-existing conditions” that impair one’s ability to get insurance coverage that could either outright save or sustain a person’s life. We know because of the farce of a healthcare bill they’re trying to pass in the House.

As for the “pious” Representative Mo Brooks from Alabama who thinks “living a good life” keeps a person from having devastating illnesses–well words fail to describe how I feel about this presumption. There are many people who have led “good lives” (depending on that definition) who have succumbed to illnesses. Babies (as illustrated by Jimmy Kimmel) come into the world with illnesses and they haven’t had time to “live a good or bad life.” Illnesses are not always controlled by the person who suffers from them.

In fact, many illnesses that people suffer from today are the result of corporate negligence that has now been reinstated by the greedy, GOP by rolling back regulates put in place to keep consumers from harm. That says a great deal and if people vote for them again in special elections or in 2018 or ever again, that will say even more about the people voting for them. When people care more about “politicalpartydeference” over what’s best for all Americans, we will continue to see the nation devastated by corporate greed.

The fact that there is even an repugnant amount of money set aside in the budget to cover the cost of 45’s golf expeditions and modifications to Mar-a-Lago, secret service for all of his adult children should gag everyone who pays taxes.

But our hope-the hope that could belong to all Everyday Americans–is not in the politicized, polarizing party expectations, but in our steadfast belief that God will take care of all who love Him. That is the hope that sustains true Believers–who are not members of the elites–the ultra rich and celebrities–just the majority of the electorate in America–the Everyday Americans.

And we shall prevail as long as we are not influenced by the lies and empty promises by those who have demonstrated time-after-time; they don’t even know who we are and cannot possibly care about what we need. It’s time to tell them. And we shall very shortly. Look for the link to survey to make known what’s important to “you as an Everyday American” and what you are willing to do to change the course of history and creating an avenue that will give Everyday Americans a strong voice in how a nation functions.

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