A Review–Frontier Preacher

Author: David Millican

This is a moving story for those who have never been introduced to Christ, but for the Believing, it might be lacking in the obvious use of scripture references that appear to be a bit awkward. I can imagine if the references were inserted as analogy they would appear more beneficial in the telling of a fictional story. However, if this was meant to be a testimony of God’s goodness, an omniscient point of view would have worked better so the reader would have some insight as to the thoughts of all involved—particularly—Minnie.

I could not find myself empathetic to Hollis at all. He seemed to be a weak-minded individual who found it difficult to trust God. I also think had he moved to Gillette after seeking God’s Wisdom, rather than as a tribute to his uncle, he may have come off as a stronger character—having made a difficult decision to be obedient. His lack of worldliness did not inspire any trust in him at all. So what happens in the end to rid the town of evil—lacks credibility. Had John and Ben been stronger characters, they may have motivated Hollis, but since that was not the case, the weaknesses of the story epitomize the weaknesses of the man.

The most believable character is Minnie and I had no doubt from the beginning what her role would be.

The Sheriff and Mayor depicted as dastardly villains works in the space they’re given, but they would be more credible if the reader had more information about them and their involvement in the prostitution ring before it’s revealed the way it is.

On the mechanics side—the story needs editing and proofreading. There were several areas in which stone—is written as story and vice-versa. The author’s grasp of grammar mechanics is good.

The writer’s style is different–at least it is not a style I’ve read. Written in limited third person point of view, I found myself working diligently to stay focused on the storyline. There were segments of the story that appeared to lack connection to some of the rest, but overall, I got the gist of it—salvation and redemption—for all sinners.

I’d give this four out of five stars for a rating on Amazon or other communities.

Media Kit for Frontier Preacher


About the Book

Hollis feared the loneliness would swallow him whole. He had arrived in Wyoming to fulfill his uncle’s dying wish – that he save the people of Gillette – but his education and faith had not prepared him for the bitter cold and hardened hearts of the west. A dark secret in his new home threatens to destroy his very soul. Will Hollis be strong enough to stand against the tide of evil? Can he overcome where stronger men failed, before the west claims another victim?


eBook: www.amazon.com/dp/B017QRMMM8/

Paperback: https://www.createspace.com/6236943


About the Author


David was born and raised in Wyoming then spent his twenties traveling the world. He now spends his time in McKeesport Pennsylvania with his wife Emily. He has been writing since he was a child, enjoying success in the young authors program, local literary magazines, and blogging. You can follow David’s new projects and release dates on his Facebook author page.


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What Reviewers are saying

“Definitely worth reading.“-Amazon Reviewer

The author makes great use of his setting offering many rich details”-Amazon Reviewer

“I loved the writing and the story. Then [sic] ending is unexpected and inevitable at the same time. “-Goodreads Reviewer


David is offering a 50% discount for the paperback book! To get your copy, go to the Createspace estore and enter this code when you checkout: GYM7ACWX.

From May 27-31, Frontier Preacher will also be on sale for just $1.99. That’s a $3.00 savings!


Paperback: https://www.createspace.com/6236943

eBook: www.amazon.com/dp/B017QRMMM8/





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Never: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A84OQ1C

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Faith Blum: http://www.faithblum.com/

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4 thoughts on “A Review–Frontier Preacher

  1. Pingback: A Review of Frontier Preacher – Mary's Writing World

  2. Pingback: Frontier Preacher | Faith Blum

  3. Pingback: Frontier Preacher: Excerpt | Faith Blum

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