Have We Seen Enough?

Have We Seen Enough?

I know I can’t speak for anyone other than me, but I’m curious. Have we seen enough from the White House Administration to know that it is not functioning in the capacity in which most presidencies should?

With all of the allegations that have been lodged against–just about everyone there, we finally get “confirmation” via Sarah Sanders who either accidentally revealed the truth about “David Dennison” or deliberately revealed it. Arbitration won without any involvement? Not hardly.

But then we have all the other stuff–the stupid stuff–people working in sensitive venues who can’t get top security clearance; KellyAnne Conway violating the Hatch Act; all of the pathological liars set in place to lie to cover lies.

And I’m waiting to see–who has not been involved with Russia since it’s been revealed just about everyone in the White House has had some connections with Russia at one time or another. It’s just insane and what makes it worse–is all those #DavidDennison supporters who refuse to acknowledge they helped to elect a total buffoon and traitor to the country–especially the Evangelicals and the hypocritical Christians who are simply–label-wearing Christians who just want to control and judge others and allow kids to kill people.

Have you seen enough?

I have, but as bad as it looks–there’s more to come and I’ll be ready for it since I refuse to have the wind knocked out of my sails because idiots are running the country.

I won’t stop talking about the foolishness or the fact that there is a way out of the madness in the midterm elections. Are we ready? I am!


EA Interests
