My Review of 2018

My Review of 2018

This entire year has been memorable for a number of reasons as indicated in the bulleted list.

  • Contacted Gretchen Whitmer to volunteer for her campaign
  • Collected signatures on petitions for her campaign
  • Attended Petition Submission
  • Attended events for her campaign across the State
  • Canvassed for the Democrats throughout my community
  • Joined the local Dem club
  • Attended first Democrat Conventions
  • Worked the polls during primary and general election
  • Joined the Black Caucus Dem Club
  • Attended County Democrats Convention
  • Elected to Executive Board of County Democrats
  • Attended many meet and greets for candidates
  • Promoted a boatload of Democrat candidates on social media
  • Created live videos promoting the importance of voting, immigration, etc.
  • Created videos to just to vent against the idiot-in-chief
  • Created videos to promote my potential candidacy for president in 2020
  • Watched the biggest sham of a presidency reveal more stupid and treasonous activities on a daily basis.
  • Participated in several Marches in the cold, in the rain, in the heat: March For Our Lives, Families Belong Together, Cinco De Mayo Parade, Labor Day Parade,
  • Lost 16 pounds knocking on doors
  • Saw Bill Cosby go to jail for sexual assaults
  • Saw many celebrities accused of sexual misconduct
  • Saw the stain of corruption spread to the Supreme Court with the Kavanaugh confirmation
  • Determined Russia has infiltrated American democracy with the intent to demolish it with the help of Koch Brothers, the Mercers, the Adelsons, the Murdochs and corrupt, treasonous Republicans (most now trumplicans)
  • Vowed to fight against tyranny and a “life-time president”
  • Learned the journey to the White House–is costly–emotionally, physically, as well as financially
  • Trained to become more politically active in all elections

It has been a very busy year, one that has opened my eyes and hopefully the eyes of others in understanding we cannot be apathetic bystanders, we must get involved at every stage of local government to ensure our democracy is sustained and all participate in the process.

I won’t bore people with redundancies, since I’ve actually written about much of what has occurred this year, but I wanted to put in one place, a summary of my political involvement on my journey to the White House. A look back at what we’ve done is a good place to start planning where we go next and how best to make it work for all involved.

Hope you’ve all had a merry Christmas and look forward to a happy New Year (without the anger or lies of you-know-who).


Have We Seen Enough?

Have We Seen Enough?

I know I can’t speak for anyone other than me, but I’m curious. Have we seen enough from the White House Administration to know that it is not functioning in the capacity in which most presidencies should?

With all of the allegations that have been lodged against–just about everyone there, we finally get “confirmation” via Sarah Sanders who either accidentally revealed the truth about “David Dennison” or deliberately revealed it. Arbitration won without any involvement? Not hardly.

But then we have all the other stuff–the stupid stuff–people working in sensitive venues who can’t get top security clearance; KellyAnne Conway violating the Hatch Act; all of the pathological liars set in place to lie to cover lies.

And I’m waiting to see–who has not been involved with Russia since it’s been revealed just about everyone in the White House has had some connections with Russia at one time or another. It’s just insane and what makes it worse–is all those #DavidDennison supporters who refuse to acknowledge they helped to elect a total buffoon and traitor to the country–especially the Evangelicals and the hypocritical Christians who are simply–label-wearing Christians who just want to control and judge others and allow kids to kill people.

Have you seen enough?

I have, but as bad as it looks–there’s more to come and I’ll be ready for it since I refuse to have the wind knocked out of my sails because idiots are running the country.

I won’t stop talking about the foolishness or the fact that there is a way out of the madness in the midterm elections. Are we ready? I am!


EA Interests


2017 in Review and Hope for 2018!

2017 in Review and Hope for 2018!

From the beginning to the end, my focus has been a bit limited–boxed in reflections about a lost Democratic election, realizing a pathological lying clown was now in the White House, the world stares in amazement wondering what happened to America and the Americans who live here, we become the laughingstock on the global stage and the children of the lying one–apparently don’t care he has dementia or some other cognitive impairment because they’re too busy cheating governments and banks. What a year! Oh and we can’t forget at the end–through all the other chaos and obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit treason, the lying one signed into legislation a tax bill that takes from the poor and gives to the rich and oh how the mighty–faux Christians in the GOP rejoiced! Yeah, it’s been a year to remember all right. But to make sense of it all, I have to put everything into its proper perspective.

  • I’ve spent more time on social media than I ever thought possible–venting and tweeting and interacting with others who are likeminded. That has been a blast!
  • I participated in the first march of the year after watching the Women’s March on January 21st–it impacted the world as women from every walk of life protested the Putin installed plant in the White House.
  • For the first time in my life, I made a decision to get involved in politics–running for President of the United States in 2020. Big decision, big discussions with husband and children and eventually friends. Some supportive and some not. I understand their reluctance and respect, but it won’t stop me. Never occurred to me to “ask permission” of anyone to run for President though some act like that’s what I should have been doing.
  • I spent some hard-earned cash supporting various candidates and in support of the ACLU because I realized that with the lying one in office, we’re going to need all the help we can get to overturn the negligible policies that are bound to come forth and we saw that with the immediate attempt of a travel ban against Muslims.  The lying one is too stupid to realize being Muslim is not an ethnicity, but a religion.
  • We all learned about “alternative facts” spewed by the surrogate of the lying one which made most of us realize that “lying must be contagious.”
  • Sean Spicer lied about the size of the inaugural crowd and then about everything else.
  • Kellyanne Conway just lies in her attempts to spin things.
  • The lying one didn’t realize that Frederick Douglass had been dead for over 150 years and gave him praise in front of cameras (an event which ignited someone on Twitter to find a picture of Frederick Douglass and bring him back to life).
  • The lying one wants to be a dictator and tell everyone what to do and expect them to do. He found a few who wouldn’t play by his rules–instead they acted with integrity and honor. Thanks for showing us the way–Preet, Sally, and Jim!
  • So many others have been kicked out the door of the White House with the one who thought she had “an in” with the lying one–she’s gone and already touting a “tell-all book deal.”
  • War–is a definite possibility since the lying one doesn’t realize most people can’t be bullied. The question is–who will engage the madness–North Korea, Iran, China, or Russia. Yeah, it’s been interesting and hopefully, not tragic.
  • I’ve learned a lot–along with the rest of the country that the appropriate term we should use involving the lying one’s interaction with Russian meddling has to termed “conspiracy” rather than collusion. At any rate, it won’t matter much longer because the entire world will know–the lying one is guilty of conspiring against America, violating his oaths of office and is a total disgrace to humanity.
  • But all is not lost–I’m gathering steam in gaining supporting for my potential candidacy. Literature is ready to go and the plan is to have press releases drafted and ready to send on November 7, 2018. Must help to flip the House and the Senate. With effort and cooperation, we can accomplish great things–winning seats and flipping them blue in deep red states.
  • All of the adversity and hatred and angst coming from the White House has made me more determined than ever to not just run for the office, but to win it. We all deserve better than what we have in the Oval Office right now.
  • Though I usually plan to write at least one new book a year, this year, all my time and writing has been posted online either here, Medium, Facebook, or Twitter. I guess if I compiled them all, it’d make one heck of an interesting book.
  • At any rate, on a personal level, I’ve learned that having a teenage driver in the house can be pretty darn stressful and expensive. I was pretty proud of my grandson getting his license, but maybe my pride was a bit misplaced.
  • Anxiety and stress can become serious issues in the minds of teenagers and I had an awakening with the onset of depression, triggering thoughts of suicide–it’s been difficult, but I’m determined to see him through this. I guess the thought of graduating at 16, with college applications and all the expectations of others can leave a person a bit depleted.

I’ve always felt that every experience in my life has made a stronger, better, wiser person and this last year’s experiences are no different. I am stronger–emotionally and spiritually than I was a year ago, I am better because I realized I had been holding onto ideologies that exclude people from my life, rather than draw them in and I let them go. I am wiser because I know that every single day I live, is an opportunity for me to learn something new; that perfection is something I can strive for but probably won’t reach since human beings can only be perfect in a comatose state or dead. That’s wisdom for you.

I’m looking forward to the new year because I’m on a mission and when I’m ready to fight, nothing gets in my way. Yeah, I know Republicans love to malign and belittle, trying every way they can to humiliate those who don’t agree with them and I’m okay with that. I know how to fight and I don’t fight fair. So if they want to start with their “opposition research” on me, let them have at it. I’m ready for whatever they attempt to “make up” in an effort to discredit me because there is nothing in my background that I’m ashamed of. I look forward to the microscopic scrutiny of whoever. And I also look forward to debating the issues that impact the lives of all Everyday Americans with whoever is up for the challenge.

Though some may think I’m a light-weight when it comes to doing politics–I’m sure I can change their minds rather quickly when they see that I can be a heavy-hitter. After all, my hope is Jesus–not a human being, but having their support when He speaks to their hearts will go a long way!

At any rate–here’s to all that comes to light, makes life better for all and for the #BlueWaveTsunami that will lead to my filing my FEC application. I can hardly wait!

How about you? Are you ready for all this new year will bring?

Enjoy the traditional celebrations–whatever they may be–wherever you are and get ready for the ride of a lifetime–better than any roller-coaster and won’t make you nauseous–unless success causes upset stomachs.

I’m ready! Get to know me better at and understand why I must run this race with faith to win it!
