What In The World?

What In The World?

I’ve been pretty vocal about all the nonsense Americans have had to endure for the past two years, but it’s getting crazier and crazier with no end in sight (except 11/6/18). I mean really, we are facing the most autocratic Oval Office resident this country has ever seen. And it’s all part of a grander plan. When our democracy falls apart (if people don’t vote Blue in November), all those who fell for the okey doke of trump’s campaign can blame the Republicans in Congress who would not exercise their constitutional right of oversight of the executive office. But here’s why they didn’t do their job. They wanted tax cuts for the rich, and conservative judges who will rule against individual rights of people regarding: women’s reproductive rights, who people can love, access to affordable healthcare, and of course we cannot forget–the corporate promises fulfilled with the roll back of consumer protections that will lead to the deaths of many people. Now, don’t forget–trump also wants the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to prosecute people for disagreeing with him, for criticizing him, and for daring to exercise their 1st Amendment rights in expressing their criticism.

This is the gist of what they wanted and have succeeded in obtaining:


What the world has had an opportunity to observe with the “confirmation hearings” of Brett Kavanaugh, we are assured that he will cave to “party preference” and not care about what’s best for the country if given an opportunity to overturn, Roe v Wade, the Marriage Equality Act, and the Affordable Care Act leaving millions without healthcare. Additionally, the conflated views of “religious freedom” will be tested when corporations and insurance companies can use “their faith” to reject the rights of others.

The most interesting thing about this hearing is the fact that the nominee, avoids answering any questions and it won’t matter to the Republican majority because they have already determined they are going to confirm him. So what is the point of these hearings in which no answers are expected? This had been such a farce and waste of time, but his non-responsive answers–tell the average American a great deal about the character of the person.

And now we have the rantings of the moron-in-chief upset about an anonymous OpEd, all because someone in the White House dared to tell the truth about his behavior and lack of knowledge. Personally, I’m glad the person wrote it–whoever it was, since it confirms what has already been said–trump is a psychotic narcissistic moron who knows nothing and is consistently endangering our national security. Michael Wolff said it in his book, Omarosa said it in her book, and now it would appear that Bob Woodward has unveiled the same sentiments–with receipts!

What is it going to take for the those who blindly support the “enemy of the people” to wake up and smell the stench of treason emanating from the White House? Did they really drink a mind-numbing shake or other drink at his hate rallies that makes them incapable of rational, logical thought?

I don’t know what’s going to happen to America if people don’t get out and vote in November, but I know it won’t be pretty since we already know Russia has a tight, vise-like grip on trump’s balls and he’s afraid of him. What does Putin have on trump and the rest of the GOP? It’s got to be really bad for them to cave to foolishness and risk alienating our allies!

Here’s the thing. What in the world are you going to do about it? Yes, you–whoever is reading this. Are you going to make it your business to encourage the vote in November and for people to vote Blue or are you going to sit back on the sidelines and just shake your head? We, the people, have the power to change the course of events and save Americans and our democracy. Are you going to be part of the solution or part of the problem? I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to help get people registered to vote, encourage them to Vote Blue and take them to the polls with me–if I have to–to make sure they vote. I am going to use all of my social media platforms to make sure everyone knows this is not a drill! Our rights to vote are on the line if we don’t get this right in November!

So, again, I ask you–what in the world are you going to do?

Attention voters

Why? Because Democrats care about the people and they will work #ForThePeople!

for the ppl

If you care at all about our environment, how veterans are treated, how our senior citizens are treated, education, a living wage, and access to affordable healthcare–now is the time to act–get it in gear and move mountains to get out the Blue Vote on November 6, 2018 so we can all breathe a little easier, knowing there will be checks and balances as the Democrats do the job, Republicans won’t do.

Don’t forget–if we have a democracy surviving the resident idiot, I’m running for president in 2020 and I guarantee you, I won’t forget who it is I’m supposed to represent and serve. I will always work #ForThePeople–the Everyday Americans!

America working

Have We Seen Enough?

Have We Seen Enough?

I know I can’t speak for anyone other than me, but I’m curious. Have we seen enough from the White House Administration to know that it is not functioning in the capacity in which most presidencies should?

With all of the allegations that have been lodged against–just about everyone there, we finally get “confirmation” via Sarah Sanders who either accidentally revealed the truth about “David Dennison” or deliberately revealed it. Arbitration won without any involvement? Not hardly.

But then we have all the other stuff–the stupid stuff–people working in sensitive venues who can’t get top security clearance; KellyAnne Conway violating the Hatch Act; all of the pathological liars set in place to lie to cover lies.

And I’m waiting to see–who has not been involved with Russia since it’s been revealed just about everyone in the White House has had some connections with Russia at one time or another. It’s just insane and what makes it worse–is all those #DavidDennison supporters who refuse to acknowledge they helped to elect a total buffoon and traitor to the country–especially the Evangelicals and the hypocritical Christians who are simply–label-wearing Christians who just want to control and judge others and allow kids to kill people.

Have you seen enough?

I have, but as bad as it looks–there’s more to come and I’ll be ready for it since I refuse to have the wind knocked out of my sails because idiots are running the country.

I won’t stop talking about the foolishness or the fact that there is a way out of the madness in the midterm elections. Are we ready? I am!


EA Interests


Do Good Anyway!

Do Good Anyway!

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”  Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.. But in your hearts revere Christ as lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. I Peter 3:8-16 NIV

To The Resistance:  Stay strong and don’t fall to the level of the evil ones. We’re smarter than that. We don’t have to use the foul language the “other side” uses, we don’t have to humiliate others when they attempt to belittle us, but we must tell the truth at all cost. And if a person acts like an idiot, we must say so (I don’t know of any polite synonyms for this word). No matter what they say or do–do good anyway!

It is truly sad that we have come to this place in America where we have to face the fact that those 62+ million people created this fiasco we’re experiencing. They did it because of frustration and hatred–acting on pure emotion–without logic or intellect or any justifiable rationale.

I’ve talked about this before so I won’t belabor the point. People please, stop allowing your emotions to dictate your decisions–especially those you can’t just go back and change. When in turmoil because of stirred emotions and upheavals in your life, save the important decision-making for another time when either you or your surroundings have calmed.

I know a thing or two about letting emotions drive decisions. I’ve been there. And I don’t plan to make the same mistakes–over and over again. At some point–we all (including me) need to take a step back and think before we act. And we must think about how every decision we make, impacts our lives and the lives of others for more than the moment it might take to make the decision.

The 2016 election is a perfect case in point–raw emotions–fueled by the frustrations felt of those who felt neglected and by those who feel they are the superior race and are afraid they’re going to become extinct–pushing hate-filled rhetoric and lies brought us to this place. No matter how much they demonstrate hate, I’m going to promote love–and do good anyway.

There is a solution for every problem and His name is Jesus. When we allow Him to guide our every thought and action, we can avoid some of the travesties we face in life. We do not have to trade insult for insult for those who regret their vote, but can’t do anything about it. We do not have to resort to name-calling, just because they do it.  When I call someone an idiot–it is because they have demonstrated a lack of understanding about a situation and refuse to heed sound, wise advice. By definition–according to a dictionary–an idiot is a very foolish or stupid person. Therefore, if I speak truth, I’m not name-calling.  And I can speak truth, gently–in love–doing good anyway.

At any rate, I’ve spent enough time of talking about the WH idiot for today. I’m continuing plans to run for President in 2020 and I can guarantee people, there won’t be an idiot in the WH if I win. I’m wise enough to know what I don’t know and wise enough to seek the assistance and advice of those who do.


The Pro-Life Liars!

The Pro-Life Liars!

These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves! Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it. Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech: “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings. But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you—when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. “Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me, since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD. Proverbs 1:18-29 NIV

Look at what the “religious right” have managed to do–kill off 24 million Americans and they claim to be “pro-life!”

To be fair–not all of the GOP House betrayed their constituents in order to “give the #WHidiot a sense of a win,” and they will reap what they have sown.

But let’s look at some of the facts:

  • They claim to be pro-life (in the womb) but once a person puts in an appearance, they set them up for premeditated murder.
  • In voting to pass a bill that could ultimately keep the most vulnerable from receiving adequate medical, but cutting taxes that benefit only the rich, the GOP House showed its true colors.
  • They are the American-bred Terrorists
  • Most of them never read the entire bill
  • There was session in committee before presenting for vote.
  • They ignored most of their constituents who told them (at least that dared to face their constituents) they needed their healthcare
  • Hate–against the Black President–drives again–the need for the White-lash against their own people.
  • The biggest losers could be (if the Senate is not more responsible) those living in red states (not the ones who flipped).

The consequences are going to be phenomenal when Republicans across the country are going to lose any re-election efforts they push.  The outrage is real, people’s lives are real, and they will not forget who jeopardized their health.

So when people say they are “pro-life” ask them if all lives matter; especially those who are impacted by the idiocy that exists in DC and remind them how the GOP voted against providing healthcare for the vulnerable.

It’s time to go BLUE all across the country because really, they are the only political party that cares for all people.

change in landscape

name recognition


What Are We Doing?

What Are We Doing?

In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Haughty eyes and a proud heart— the unplowed field of the wicked—produce sin. The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.The violence of the wicked will drag them away, for they refuse to do what is right. The way of the guilty is devious, but the conduct of the innocent is upright. Proverbs 21:1-8 NIV

The way of the devious:

  • Lie
  • Distract
  • Avoid
  • Deflect
  • Deny
  • Project
  • Subterfuge
  • Blame
  • Hide

The way of the innocent:

  • Integrity
  • Honor
  • Compassion
  • Openness
  • Truthful
  • Responsible
  • Accountable
  • Trustworthy
  • Honest

Fanfare and distractions, always grandstanding to distract from the ever-revealing incompetence. If a person doesn’t know what they’re doing, but wants others to believe they are hardworking and competent–they grandstand–showboat–put on airs for optics because they have no evidence to prove their worth.

That was the show the entertainer provided for Washington yesterday--spending tax dollars to grandstand–7 buses to cart 100 Senators from Capitol Hill to the White House when it would have been more expedient (and physically healthier) for 5 people to walk to Capitol Hill–especially when 4 of them went to Capitol Hill to address the House. How foolish was that and how foolish does the #WHidiot think the American people are?

All the drama from the drama queen for what? According to a number of Senators and most of the Republican–nothing new was learned and most concluded the trip was simply for optics--to give the appearance of something extremely important being imminent, but it was more a show–summoned by the “wannabe dictator” so the world of television would see the kind of power (he thinks), he wields. Of course, the security for a classification discussion was hurriedly modified since there is no such place in the WH that would accommodate the size of the crowd. Not much thought went into what was done. No evident planning or consideration given to the nature of the conversation.

And on top of all the buffoonery, we’re told it’s all about N. Korea–who the #WHidiot has provoked, but is now trying to sell the idea that N. Korea is an imminent threat to America. Bullying and blustering tactics to distract from the FBI investigation may eventually cause the loss of millions of lives, and all this–because we have an idiot in the White House who would rather risk the lives of Americans and those within range of N. Korea’s missiles than to tell America the truth about his involvement with the Russians and their meddling in the 2016 Election.

People (many on television) are saying that Kim Jong-un is a crazy man, but he can’t be any crazier than the bullying idiot we have in the White House. And I’ll keep calling him an idiot until he leaves the Oval Office–in shame or on his own. Kim Jong is right–the United States is being aggressive in its tactics to send warships to the area in an attempt to get N. Korea to back down. They consider the action a threat and are prepared to defend themselves. If another country sent an “armada” to settle off our shores, we’d consider that a threat and prepare for battle as well. The United States is in the wrong and no matter what the idiots– who will lie to the American people on behalf of the head-idiot-in-charge, say–I know they all lie to cover his behind.

Foolishness, foolishness, all is foolishness as we discover with his “tax reform” that bilks the poor and inflates the bank accounts of the rich, and will blow up the deficit and put us into a vulnerable economic position for decades to come. But the idiot doesn’t care about us–he only cares about how much money he can make and the gullible–thought he cared about them. Oh how I wish I could inspire gullible people to think for themselves or at least get information from credible, reliable sources other than Fox News (the ultimate in fake news). They are an entertainment network, not a news network and that discovery is easily made with a search online.

So, what are we doing to counter the foolishness? Some are sitting back complaining, some are wringing their hands, some are rejoicing (the rich who own the munitions factories), some are contemplating suicide, some are just walking zombies–not knowing which way to turn, and me–I’m planning to run for president in 2020. That’s what I’m doing! What are you doing? I’ll leave it to you to determine who is devious and who is innocent based upon the above-mentioned traits.

name recognition

Discipline Saves From Death!

“Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death. Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” (Proverbs 19:18, 20 NIV)

Considering how the government attempts to intervene when parents discipline their children, it’s no wonder we see foolishness that leads to violence and death–the death of children and of others.

We see such stupidity as the “knock-out” activity--where gangs of idiotic males find vulnerable older citizens to just “knock them out” just because. When young people have no respect for the elderly, it is a strong indicator that no discipline was ever employed in their homes. If they don’t respect their parents, they are certainly not going to respect others. And every time the idiots are caught–their parents try to defend their action and the worst excuse in the world is–there was no father in the home.

Why was there no father in the home? Because someone forgot to discipline them when they were younger and many are locked behind bars or in morgues or cemeteries. The lack of discipline has a domino effect on many in our society and it tends to be a generational problem. However, even if a father is not in the home, mothers can and have been strong leaders in the home, when they care enough to teach their children right from wrong and live it as an example in front of them.

But there is another reason why discipline is lacking in so many homes. Many parents are afraid to discipline their children because of laws pertaining to corporal punishment. Children have been encouraged to “report” any act of corporal punishment because we have adult idiots who decided that if we spank a child, we damage their “emotional growth”. Well, I’m against child abuse, but I’m a strong advocate for corporal punishment–as prescribed by God–using the rod (figuratively) of correction when needed.

There is a difference between beating a child and abusing them–breaking bones, putting them hospitals and causing death. I would never advocate abuse as a method of discipline. And I would never advocate using any method of scarring a child or doing anything that leads to death or disfigurement–ESPECIALLY WITH CHILDREN UNDER THREE YEARS-OLD. Tapping a child’s hand lightly when they’re doing something wrong usually gets their attention. But before anyone can try to discipline a child, they must take the time to teach the child–if after being taught right from wrong a child persists on doing wrong, then disciplinary measures must be established and used repeatedly to deter the negative behavior.

Generally speaking, most children who are disciplined at home before they start school, are wiser academically and never cause a teacher a problem (except for the transition years of puberty). When schools are limited in doling out consequences for misbehavior, students tend to try to rule the schools, and when they are tossed out the door, drop-out rates increase and the potential for poverty-stricken individuals increases. More poverty, more crime–more crime more jails and the cycle never ends–and it won’t until we understand the necessity for appropriate discipline.

The wages of sin–the payment and end result is death. Though we don’t often call misbehavior in kids, sin, it is and we should treat it as such, disciplining them to keep them from experiencing–unnecessary deaths.

We must teach them to accept responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences that ensue so they might live and others won’t have to fear for their lives at the hands of undisciplined, out-of-control, people in this society. When we learn to obey God, we are wise; if we don’t–we set ourselves up for failure.

God loves us enough to provide us instruction and consequences for actions. We need to love kids enough to provide them with sound, Godly instruction, and consequences for their actions and see them live to the full potential God has designed for them.

Ravaging Politicism (excerpt 4)


Parenting children in the 21st Century is certainly more difficult than in past eras. The reason for the difficulty lies within the idiotic positions of authority being held by the idiots. Legislators have changed laws that prohibit a parent from truly parenting a child without the possibility of being hauled into a court system. Parents are afraid of their kids so they do not discipline them, they do not get involved with their schoolwork, they do not take them to church; they simply feed them (some of them) and put up with their nonsense until they are old enough to push out the door, whether they can fend for themselves or not. We should take a look at the animal kingdom to learn parenting. The animals (and I’ve watched some) take much better care of their offspring than humans—and we are supposed to be the “thinking” ones.

Think about this and then get mad, but get over it. We, as a society, have allowed amoral, idiots to determine how we raise our children and then we reward them by voting for the same types of idiots, again, and again. What does that say about most of us? Are we idiots, too? I am not about to respond to that one, but I will say this—“if the shoe fits…”

Legislators, who cannot control their wanton desires to bed other people, should never have any control over what parents do or how they do it as long as children are not being misused or abused. Most rational people understand there is a difference between discipline and abuse. There are only a few out there who cannot make the distinction and it is that few, along with sociologists who think they know best for everyone, but themselves, that brings us to where we are today.  A few people got carried away by beating a child and there was outrage and laws were changed and our society changed. When parents are not allowed to discipline a child the justice system will or the morticians will. Those are the only options led for children who have not been taught respect or self-control.

The prisons are about to burst at the seams with the number of those who cannot control themselves. The lack of self-control is a direct result of parents not being able to discipline their children. When little Johnny gets old enough and big enough to run Mama’s house, he generally does. Of course, there are exceptions. My household was an exception. I come from a cultural environment that believes in keeping a belt handy. When a kid gets too big for a belt to do the job, then whatever comes in handy will usually do the trick (just joking). No child, living in my house where I pay all the bills will ever live there with me and disrespect me or my rules. I do not care what the courts say or CPS or anyone else. My house, my rules and if they cannot abide by my rules, they do not need to live there and will not. I will not participate in the ravaging politicism I see exerted over people who are afraid of the system. Here I am System—Come get me!