There’s Something About Prophecy!

There’s something about prophecy, especially from a biblical perspective which makes me wonder why people do not pay attention.

Throughout the bible, we are told of coming events–with such detailed accuracy that we could not possibly mistake what we are told. From the prophets in the Old Testament through Jesus and John, all the consequences of sin and disobedience are detailed and even though like then–people didn’t believe what was told to them–events came to pass just like they were told.

If we look back at what Jesus said would happen and understand what John tells us in Revelation, we would have no need to wonder why the relentless weather patterns are what they are. And still we do not change our behavior. The mockers are still mocking God’s Word and other believers; believers are selectively choosing what and who to believe, and the unsaved masses are still waiting for those of us who know God and have a relationship with Him to share the good news with them.

Some years ago, while watching the news and unfolding current events, I believe the Lord spoke to my heart and unveiled a prophetic event, which can be seen coming to pass right now. While I do not claim to be a prophet, I do hear and obey God and I know when He is speaking versus the enemy trying to influence my thoughts. Those thoughts about what is happening now and what will happen by 2020 are written in my book, Turning Force, available on Amazon and Smashwords. I know, like many people who lived before me, there are those who will not take heed to what is said and will scoff at the contents. We won’t know until 2020 how accurate the prophecy will be, but much can be seen right now. People will have to read it for themselves to determine the final outcome. I won’t tell all that was shown to me.

While they are scoffing at the words of one who hears God and obeys, they might want to remember all of those things that were prophesied about the Children of Israel–the good and the bad when they disobeyed–and know that God is not mocked. What He says will come to pass, will come–on His time-table–not ours. A prophetic word is usually given to allow people time to change their ways–it’s a heads-up warning. When people do not change their course of action, God will honor His Word, no matter who gives it.

Perhaps, it is time for all of us to re-visit the prophecies given in the Bible and align them with the events we have seen with our own eyes throughout history and see what we must do. God is still using people to warn us about events. I’m not referencing those who deliberately lie–the doomsday prophets who trick people into doing all manner of foolish things. Their lies are eventually exposed every time they open their mouths. We know who they are–they made the headlines and then simply disappeared from the public after repeated humiliation when their lies were exposed.

A true prophecy will not deter from anything God has already said.

When the end comes–we will have no need to store and hoard anything–it will be the end.

If we have not already determined where we will spend eternity–today would be a good day to do so. According to God’s Word, not mine–we must make a decision to choose Jesus and make heaven our home for eternity.

Repent from sins (according to God’s definition of sin, not mine or anyone else’s), Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, today and love Him enough to live for Him, since He loved us enough to die for us. If you do this–heaven will be yours for all eternity.

God vs Idols!

“Present your case,” says the LORD. “Set forth your arguments,” says Jacob’s King.  “Tell us, you idols, what is going to happen…”(Isaiah 41:21,22 NIV).

For just a moment, imagine we are spectators in the court of life and we hear Isaiah speaking for God to the lost–those who have turned their backs on Him.  In earlier verses, God has already declared what He will do–make the barren places come alive with growth, provide for the poor and the needy, so they will know that it is Him who is their provider.  And now, it is time for the people to explain what their idol gods will do.

The case being made here is that any idol (anything we worship over God) can do very little on its own.  No statute, no beads, no job, no car, no amount of wealth (anything we make with our own hands or a facsimile thereof) can operate on its own and will do nothing to benefit mankind. The children of Israel had been warned time and again about what would happen to them if they put their trust in man.  I can imagine–when put to the test and if they had been smart–they would have immediately destroyed all the idols–the gods they worshipped in the hills or sacrificed children upon–would no longer exist and they would have benefitted from God’s mercy and love.

But what did they do?  They ignored the warnings–the reminders of what God had done in the past for them and the prophecy of what He would do in the future.  In fact, they detested what God had to say so much that they later sawed Isaiah in half–thinking that would stop God from talking.

God has always and will always have someone willing to speak on His behalf.  He will never be silenced and as He has proven in the past, if we will not speak for Him, He’ll use an animal or have the rocks cry out in praise of Him.  For whom will you be a witness of today?  God or the idols?  I refuse to have use an animal or stones to speak when I have a tongue and a voice that I can raise loud and long in praise of Him, who has done all things marvelously well, on my behalf.  Glory to God!  Hallelujah!