I’m Tired!

I’m Tired!

I’m tired of all the lies and all the liars!

I’m tired of Republicans acting like there’s nothing wrong with trump.

I’m tired of the white Evangelicals making excuses for the WH menace.

I’m tired of trump supporters’ inability to think for themselves.

I’m tired of the media outlets allowing ignorance to manipulate the news cycles.

I’m tired of seeing children separated from their parents being treated like animals.

I’m tired of people who know truth but won’t speak up to help end this nightmare.

I’m tired of politicians who are afraid to speak truth to power because they might lose an election.

I’m tired of all the people who complain, but won’t vote to change things.

I’m tired of listening to the cult expound the lies they’ve been told and believe.

I’m tired of those who won’t uphold their oaths of office and are allowing this country to sink.

I’m tired of apologizing to our allies for the nut job in the WH.

I’m tired of watching rising prices for gas, good and healthcare.

I’m tired of people thinking that Democrats can’t be Christians even though we’re more Christian than the Republicans who apparently don’t know Jesus.

I’m tired of the evil ones who use the bible to perpetuate their evil.

I’m tired of not knowing where all this will end–in the next year or two.

Okay, so I’m tired and I’m sure there are millions of others just as tired as I am of all the stupid we’ve had to endure. There is a way out from under the stupid–people simply have to get out and vote and vote for the party who has a heart, not just ideological beliefs.

Regardless of party affiliation or none–it’s time for Americans to step up and take control of the situation and vote for Democrats up and down the ballot in every city, township, and state. We must start where we live with local elections and then spread it out to all the general elections so the United States of America will have a chance to preserve our democracy for future generations.

Are you ready? Let’s get it done!

Attention voters

America workingbible

Corruption In The Midst!

Corruption In The Midst!

They have sunk deep into corruption, as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins. Hosea 9:9 NIV

Mob boss mentality. Organized crime tactics. Payola. Rudy Giuliani. Donald J. Trump. Mike Pence, FBI agents (loyal to Giuliani), NYPD, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadow, Matt Gaetz, Most Congressional GOP, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, et al.

These are the people who have deliberately conspired to undermine democracy in America and are yet collaborating with the enemy–within the White House.

Did you ever imagine seeing what is happening in America–right now? The Oval Office resident, taking instructions from Vladmir Putin to keep him exposing “salacious truths” about a Russian visit–that from all accounts–have been verified with flight logs and credible witnesses. Did you imagine that?

Did you ever imagine having our election process tainted and hacked by those who are afraid of losing control over people? That is why they’re doing what they’re doing–fear is driving them which proves there is no love within any of them.

Did you ever imagine that an elected leader would instigate and ignite so much hatred in the land that people actually think they have a right to taunt, maim, and kill those who don’t look like them or worship like them–just because?

Is this America–land of the free, home of the brave when one segment of the population is steering elected leaders to squash and undermine the Constitution?

The corruption is deep-seated and in high places, wearing ties and suits, beginning in the White House and trickling down the hall and out the door up the hill–fear washing away common sense and civility and decency and honor and integrity until there is nothing left but anger, hatred and bigotry where everyone is suspected of doing something wrong based upon feelings where no evidence exists. All a ploy to cover up the involvement of so many who wanted to win an election so badly they were willing to sell their souls and they did, but now–the end is near and all the corruption is about to be exposed simply because–“whatever is hidden or done in the dark shall be revealed.”

All the angst and screaming and shouting and redundancy–won’t matter. Innocent people–don’t fear investigations and they don’t keep screaming the same lie–day after day, to whoever will listen and by now–no one is listening to the false proclamations of–No collusion.

Consider this for a moment–a pathological liar who lies about everything (being his own publicist and his net worth), to crowd size and approval ratings and celebrity (only the foolish believe) is going to lie about everything else and we see–thanks to Stormy Daniels (who has really created a storm)–just how corrupt Donald J. Trump is and will be for he knows not the way of righteousness. All he knows is how to blame others for his ineptness and incompetence and in how to rape the United States Treasury–without regard to the fact that tax payer dollars–don’t belong to him.

But then–that’s the way dictators act–they raid the treasuries so they can live luxurious lives, while they burden the poor and the needy for they have no use for them. We see this in all the overturned regulations that allow air pollution and contamination of water and soil and who does this hurt the most? The poor saps who believed he cared about them and now–they’re beginning to see–albeit a bit late in the game–he cares for no one but himself.

They failed to see how corrupt a business man he was and is. They failed to take note of the lies he told about Hillary and others for making up lies is what he does best. They failed to take off the blinders of idol worship to see and understand what was right in front of them–Corruption with yellow hair and a long red tie waving in the wind of callously calculated deception and demagoguery. Now, they have to live with it just like the rest of us, only we who see–are fighting back–resisting the evil that lurks and permeates the very air we breath, choking those in DC and keeping them toeing the line of corruption that’s about to break and deliver them all into the pits of hell, they dug.

Don’t blame Comey, Rosenstein or Mueller for the corruption in which the evildoers are mired. Those who are fighting to see truth prevail are not responsible for the corruption, but will make sure justice prevails and all the corruption is known along with the corruptors who think they can hide behind their positions as lawmakers.

There is another group of people responsible for the deceptive flimflam we see–White Evangelicals who claim to be Christians, but know not Christ and we see it in their efforts to control others, disregard the rights of the poor and the needy and in lying to the general public about the monster they claim–has come to know God–yet their proclamation is without evidence of any fruit–you know–the fruit of the Holy Spirit–the evidence He is now in control–you know–love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, hope, faith, (integrity & honor), patience, and self-control. They promoted a person who doesn’t even know what civility means and therefore we certainly can’t expect him to conduct himself–civilly–with others–and he doesn’t. No class, no decorum, no integrity, no honor, no decency whatsoever and they–the White Evangelicals–claim this person is God’s choice to lead America. How quickly they learned to lie and are promoting the continuation of the lie just so they can garner control over what others do. In the end, God will have His way and they won’t like what awaits them and all other liars–the lake of fire.

But as bad as it all seems there is hope–God will turn it around to benefit all He loves. And that is the key–God is love, not hate and love will triumph over hate. And all who know God, belong to God and understand that, “perfect love (unconditional love) casts out fear” will see the darkness dispelled when truth is revealed.

It’s time for a change and all who know how to love–unconditionally–can bring change into effect and reach others so nothing like this will ever happen again. Make a commitment to vote Blue in every election in every state so evil will never again have a chance to wreck our democracy in the guise of “false patriotism” promoting fascists.

EverydayAmericans bch

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Which Way Do We Go?

Which Way Do We Go?

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Luke 12:2-5 NIV

A lot has been going on in our society lately, especially in the political arena and in DC. With all of the uproar and rumors, eventually the truth will be known, about everything, not just one thing, about one person–but about everything and everyone involved in deceiving America. The cover is about to be pulled off the hidden stuff and there will be much grinding of teeth and angst. We already see it–fear–has caused total incoherence in the White House, but they’ll never admit it.

How do I know? I pay attention–to what is said, by whom it’s said and watching the conduct of all those who claim–they’re innocent.

Innocent people are not afraid of investigations–they welcome them–especially when the truth will set them free from any doubt of wrong doing.

Innocent people don’t threaten other people with illegal detainment and arrest and prosecution.

Innocent people have no problem answering questions from whoever wants to ask.

Innocent people welcome the opportunity for total transparency so they can move on with their lives without concern about being “exposed.”

Guilty people–on the other hand–are always decrying victimization by others and it’s always someone else’s fault.

Guilty people are read by their body language which indicates–something hidden and fear rises to the service making them stammer and stutter.

Guilty people don’t know when to shut up–always have to accuse others of what they’re guilty of doing.

We’ve heard a lot from a number of people this week–too much for me to try to regale in this blog post so I’ll just try to hit the highlights.

As if we didn’t already know–Donald J. Trump is the biggest liar on the planet and those who speak on his behalf–like Jim Jordan are liars after the heart of their master. How do we know–Stormy moved across the television screens of many; Comey stood up the bully and spoke his truth about all that occurred in the first five months in the WH as it pertained to him; Michael Cohen was exposed for being an attorney with a limited clientele that included the megaphone from Fox News–Sean Hannity–who attempted to further conflate the exposure by lying–claiming he had never hired or paid Cohen, but thought he had attorney/client privilege. It’s either one or the other, not both. And then–to top it all off (and the week is not even over), Trump tweeted that Comey lied about why he was fired, when it was trump himself who told Lester Holt on national television that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. If that wasn’t juicy enough–we learn that trump called another attorney, Jay Goldberg who told him if Cohen was faced with a rigid federal sentence, he would probably flip. Now, that call was made last week, which explains the myriad tweet rants this week.

Some days, I just have to cut off the news to maintain my sanity because every day, there’s more lying and complicity and now–most have of us have determined that there is evidence out there that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that trump is a treasonous traitor.

But there are other traitors in Washington–those who have been partakers in the RussianRubeJob–taking money from Russian oligarchs thinking they’ll never be found out. I guess that’s why 43 republicans, including Paul Ryan are resigning and that number may continue to rise as truth is revealed. Some have already left–like Jason Chaffetz in hopes of warding off being exposed, but Justice–though blind will find and make known the truth.

Proof enough that we need new leadership and direction in Washington–people with morals, values and integrity and a will to serve the people? I think so and am more determined than ever to be ready in 2020 to serve Everyday Americans because–we deserve better and we must go with truth!

EverydayAmericans bch

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Praise Worthiness!

Praise Worthiness!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV

No matter what happens in America–or even in the world–when we have a right relationship with God, He will always steer us in the direction of His Word.

Military parades–especially those displaying military armament–are usually a tool of dictators to flex military might, but it is more importantly–a demonstrable display of a leader’s insecurities. Therefore, the “military parade” Rumplethinskin wants–is not a celebration of a military victory–those things we normally celebrate using a segment of the military–but a blatant disregard for those who serve in the military to appease his ego and amplify his insecurities.

Many veterans and those currently serving are disgusted by the idea of a military parade to assuage an ego-maniac, especially since he is draft-dodger who refused to serve in the military when called upon–“Cadet Bone Spurs” is an apt nickname for him. Though he loudly proclaims respect for the military–those who know–understand he lies and he’s covering for the fact–he didn’t serve and nor did any of his family. In fact, his grandfather was expelled from Germany because he refused to serve a mandatory stint in the military. It appears–disdain for serving in the military is in his DNA–and therefore nullifies any respect from anyone who has served or is serving in the military.

Claiming that Democrats who didn’t “clap” for him during his State of the Union message committed treason is an a treason in itself. It demonstrates his lack of knowledge of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution or determined disregard for it and that he is not upholding or defending the Constitution as his oath proclaims.  If in fact, disrespecting a sitting president was a treasonous offense, we’d not have very many in Congress still there.

There was the incident of the Congressman who shouted out, “You lie” during one of Obama’s State of Union messages.

There was Paul Ryan sitting as stiff as board through Obama’s State of the Union messages, not clapping or standing.

There was the entire Republican party who “sat on their hands” during Obama’s State of the Union messages, not clapping, not even paying attention.

And then there is the constant malignant rhetoric promoted by Rumplethinskin proclaiming Obama was not an American. That indeed is treasonous, but he’s never been charged or arrested or convicted of a “treason.”

What makes Rumplethinskin think he has an absolute right to be “worshiped?” His malignant narcissistic ego compels him to believe he’s “worthy to be praised.”  Of course, his equally ignorant base enables his thinking since they clamor for his stupidity at every rally. He is not worthy of praise. He is worthy of total disdain and disgust conviction for treason when it is revealed that he conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 election and is still conspiring with them to erode our democracy. “Giving comfort and aid to our adversaries (enemies)” encompasses the definition of “treason.” So, if anyone is guilty of treason, it is Rumplethinskin and his entire administration including the “crime family” mob wannabes.

No matter how much stupid we see from the current resident in the White House, we will not give in or give up nor surrender our values for him to trample on them. We will continue resisting the stupid and blatant ignorance until justice prevails and we call sleep better at night.

Hope is around the corner in the mid term elections and in the 2020 election. We can reverse the stupid and reclaim our position as a world leader if we exercise wisdom in whom we elect. We don’t need to ever elect again, a person who has so much to hide that they deliberately obstruct justice when under investigation.

My life is an open book and ready for inspection by anyone who has access to the Internet.

I don’t have a problem presenting my tax returns which will indeed prove–I’m simply an Everyday American–retired and paying taxes.

I have no problem discussing any questions anyone might have of my past or present–as long as the questions are relevant to the position I’m seeking and my ability to perform well in it.

But getting back to being praise-worthy–nothing worth praising about the current resident in the White House and I don’t know if there will be anything worth praising with a new resident because realistically–none of us are worth praise, but God alone is. With that being the case, I’ll give Him the Praise for He is the only One worthy of it.


Why I Run2Why I March2Christian Democrat

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being who You are and for creating me to be who You want me to be–all glory and honor and praise belong to You all the days of my life.

For more insight as to my thoughts about “everyday news” follow me on Twitter @educatormary. Stay persistent and keep resisting the urge to accept false propaganda promoted by those who deliberately attempt to deceive. Don’t believe anything other than verifiable truths with evidence.

Is This America?

But your iniquities have built barriers

between you and your God,

and your sins have made Him hide His face from you

so that He does not listen.

For your hands are defiled with blood

and your fingers, with iniquity;

your lips have spoken lies,

and your tongues mutter injustice.

No one makes claims justly;

no one pleads honestly.

They trust in empty and worthless words;

they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

They hatch viper’s eggs

and weave spider’s webs.

Whoever eats their eggs will die;

crack one open, and a viper is hatched.

Their webs cannot become clothing,

and they cannot cover themselves with their works.

Their works are sinful works,

and violent acts are in their hands.

Their feet run after evil,

and they rush to shed innocent blood.

Their thoughts are sinful thoughts;

ruin and wretchedness are in their paths.

They have not known the path of peace,

and there is no justice in their ways.

They have made their roads crooked;

no one who walks on them will know peace.

Therefore justice is far from us,

and righteousness does not reach us.

We hope for light, but there is darkness;

for brightness, but we live in the night.

We grope along a wall like the blind;

we grope like those without eyes.

We stumble at noon as though it were twilight;

we are like the dead among those who are healthy.

We all growl like bears

and moan like doves.

We hope for justice, but there is none;

for salvation, but it is far from us.

For our transgressions have multiplied before You,

and our sins testify against us.

For our transgressions are with us,

and we know our iniquities:

transgression and deception against the LORD,

turning away from following our God,

speaking oppression and revolt,

conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart.

Justice is turned back,

and righteousness stands far off.

For truth has stumbled in the public square,

and honesty cannot enter.

Truth is missing,

and whoever turns from evil is plundered.

The LORD saw that there was no justice,

and He was offended.

Today’s scripture reading is from Isaiah 59:2-15 HCSB

There is nothing left for me to say other than please read the entire chapter and then pause, and think about what it says.

May The Lord have mercy upon us and wash our hearts thoroughly with His Word, creating in us a desire to please Him, more than man!

What The Lord Hates!

What The Lord Hates!

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV

Whenever people don’t want to hear or live truth, they always start justifying their behavior and when it comes to living according to The Word, many are quick to say, “Jesus just said love.” Well, He did talk about love because He is love and because He loves, He wants the very best for all who love Him. And He said, “If we love Him, we’ll keep His commandments”–to love–God and one another.

I guess if we ever stop looking at the Bible as a means of restricting or confining us, we’d understand that God’s Word is our protection against things in life in which we have no control. But the enemy has managed to manipulate and deceive people into thinking the Bible is just an ancient book of myths and that people should be able to live any way they want to live. We’ve always had that choice, but I can say without hesitation that I tried living without The Word and living with The Word guiding my life is so much better.

Living without The Word to guide us will blind our eyes to truth and allow the influence to influence heart and mind–letting us think that God does not see or hear the things we do. But He does and the seven things that He hates are what keep confusion and chaos reigning when people live without The Word.

Haughty Eyes–arrogance revealed in the eyes of those who think they are better than others and will do anything to make people feel inferior.

Lying Tongues–that little member that has no bones, but crushes the mighty and keeps the weak oppressed and suppressed.

Hands That Shed Innocent Blood–those who willfully take lives of innocent people who have never wronged them. The terrorists will discover on judgment day their sentence for taking the lives of innocent people simply because they refuse to accept the fact that people can choose what they believe and should not be subjected to the hatred and disdain of others. This is true of anyone who takes a life outside of war and self-defense.

A Heart That Devises Wicked Schemes–those who do nothing other than think about doing wicked things–those who plot to take lives and destroy hope. Don’t forget, the enemy’s job is to kill, steal and destroy–all who God loves.

Feet That Are Quick To Rush Into Evil–those who hover and linger around others, just waiting for a snippet of gossip so they can run and tell it. Of course along the way, they mangle truth into twisted lies to make what they have to say more important.

A False Witness Who Pours Out Lies–those who will lie as a witness against someone else in order to benefit from the lie. These are those who knowingly attempt to deflect truth from themselves. And we see this time and time again when silly females lie about being raped simply because someone rejected them. We cannot forget all those who were false witnesses against Jesus Christ, but then we must also understand it was all part of God’s plan for our salvation.

A Person Who Stirs Up Conflict In A Community–those who “are always stirring up trouble where no trouble exists.” I have heard them called, “pot stirrers” and they will twist truth in order to inflame those listening in order to make themselves appear superior. One of the political candidates seems to be really good at stirring up conflict within many cultural communities and he thinks people are stupid enough to buy into his nonsense. I’m praying that wisdom will envelop all when they head to the voting polls and show this character that not everyone is as stupid as he thinks they are.

All of these seven things warrant a separate post, but I thought about the world’s condition and as I was reading this passage today, I was reminded that God does indeed hate–liars in particular–those who claim He didn’t mean what He said, stirring up conflict in communities (their place has already been prepared), and those who kill for no reason.

As a Believer–one called by God to teach His Word–I cannot ignore expansion of those things that are designed to destroy mankind by just expanding on the “good stuff” in God’s Word in my posts. Teaching Truth–God’s Truth–not mine because I don’t have any truth to teach is what I will continue to do, no matter what people think of me. Fortunately for me, I know they have nothing to do with my place in eternity and I will not be deterred from teaching God’s Truth simply because they “hate” because I Believe.




God Inspired Purpose of Scripture!

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17 NIV)

What I have found amazing in the past few days is the number of people who claim not to believe “in an ancient book of myths written by men” but will use it, “cherry-picking” to support and condone their stance in opposition to God’s Word. Now, think about it–isn’t that just like Satan to try to use God’s Word to convince Jesus to act in opposition to God’s Word?

The same God, who inspired men to write down the words they heard God speak to their hearts, is the same God is who is yet inspiring people to write today. That “ancient book of myths” has held its own for centuries and will still be used as a guide by the remnant that God promises to save to Himself.

I don’t have a problem with people not believing the bible because at one time, I had challenged those who believed in it. However, when my relationship with God changed, allowing me to hear Him speak to me, I understood and accepted the love He has for me–a love so great–that He inspired men to write down how He wanted me to live. Notice, the personalization of what I’m saying with the use of the pronoun–I. Being in relationship with God is an individual, personal, choice. If no one else ever understands this, I’ll stand on God’s Word alone.

You see, many unbelievers are now trying to quote the Bible. “Jesus just said, love.”  “God said don’t judge.” And one woman yesterday tried to make a case for her condoning sin by saying, “Adam and Eve were not married and had children out of wedlock.” She didn’t understand that God performed the first marriage and had she continued reading Genesis, she would have known God’s definition of marriage. I really wanted to respond, but Holy Spirit wouldn’t allow me to do so. For the Word also says, “For them that be ignorant, let them be ignorant.” Marriage did not come after Christianity; marriage was established in the Garden with the creation of mankind. Too many people confuse religious concepts with Christianity to the point they want to negate all God did in the beginning. Understanding can only come through reading and opening one’s heart to hear God explain Himself.

In the passage of Scripture used as a foundation for my blog today, Paul reminds Timothy that “all” (nothing left out of all) Scripture is God-breathed or inspired. Therefore, we should not get overly indignant when people don’t understand and only select the passages they want to use. The fact that they use Scripture at all, puts them into greater risk of being judged by God since they chose to misuse it for ungodly purposes. If a person claims they don’t believe in the Bible, they shouldn’t try quoting it when they have no idea what it means when comprehension of it is only achieved by understanding the “totality” of The Word, not bits and pieces.

I don’t have a problem with people who claim they don’t believe in God. Their very confession of unbelief is a contradiction to their behavior since they generally spend an inordinate amount of time talking about a God they don’t believe in to convince those who do believe that we’re foolish. Well, the Bible states, “the fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” Since I am not a fool and know right well that–GOD exists–their unbelief won’t hinder my relationship with God.

When I agree with God, I confirm on a daily basis that my relationship with Him is intact and I have not conformed to the world’s perception and beliefs of anything that contradict Him, but I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind in Christ Jesus. I have the mind of Christ–discovered in God’s Word–and use God’s Word to teach, rebuke, correct and train others to know how to respond to the enemy’s attacks. I am thoroughly equipped to accomplish every good work assigned to me. No matter what the government does, the Supreme Court does or anyone else does or say, I will agree with God in all things and in the end, when I stand before Him, I will have no shame about the things I’ve done and I can expect to hear, “Well done, daughter!”

Getting Back to The Foundation of His Truth!

“But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.”(I Corinthians 7:2 NIV)

No matter how hard we try–at least some of us–we cannot get away from the fact that the bible addresses every aspect of our living right before God. Through Paul, God’s purpose for us is emphasized in a number of chapters–how husbands and wives should treat each other, how to raise children, how to conduct ourselves in worship services, and how to establish order in the church. Whatever question we could possibly have, the answer–is in there.

The problem for many in accepting what is in there is the fact that whenever a person or persons choose to dispute the information or instruction in the bible, they do so selectively, without understanding, totally missing what is being said because they choose to take things out of context. This verse of scripture is one of those people “prefer to ignore” because Paul said and not Jesus (it’s not written in red).

It’s amazing how people can “discount” the value of what is being said based upon who said it. They do so because they did not read further–“all scripture is written by inspiration of God” no matter who He uses to say it.

Moving along–when the early churches had questions regarding behaviors that were once considered “okay” based upon the environment in which one found themselves, Paul addressed them. There had been “temple prostitutes” and many other unsavory behaviors operating because of unbelief. Adultery and fornication were the status quo and because some dared to seek truth, Paul spoke it as it pertains to sexual activity. Here it is very clear--sexual activity should be reserved for those who are married and then the married should have only sex with their “own husbands” and “their own wives.”

When we choose to ignore righteous instruction because of fleshly dictates, we set ourselves for disaster and until we can right the wrong, nothing will change the devastating course of events that will be the result of sin. If we claim to accept one part of the bible as God’s truth, then we must claim it all–with understanding and keeping all of it in context of God’s purposes for mankind.

This is not the only passage of scripture that is often refuted in the church world. Many in the church have disputed women’s roles within the church because they overlooked what Joel said. Many have claimed that people of color are the result of the curse on Ham, lacking understanding that the first man, Adam–was a man of color–a fact simply deduced by looking at where God formed him and how. People use the bible to promote hatred and superiority because of a lack of understanding. God has no respect of persons and He sees us all as equals–no male or female, Jew or Gentile, all one in Christ Jesus.

But we don’t see us as God sees us and as a result, we tend to overlook passages that go against our flesh. This is why there is confusion, hate, and unrest in the land–we allow our flesh to dictate what we want and when others don’t agree, we rise up and promote hatred–either with the bible or refuting it. Either way–God is not pleased and when He is not pleased, none of us has peace.

The sooner we see things the way God sees them (and we can if we truly develop a relationship with Him), the sooner we’ll see peace in the land. We have no excuse–His written instructions–given to and by all who desired to please Him–provide us the foundation of His Truth. It’s time we got back to that foundation, rather than attempting to build one that is bound to crumble and fall.

True Witnesses!

“You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”(Isaiah 43:10 NIV)

How is it that people make things–either themselves or buy what others have made–and worship them? If the things are made by man’s hand, how do we give them more power and honor than the one who made them? If then, we are worshipping things, can we be a true witness for what God does?

A true witness does not prevaricate, does not manipulate truth, does not quibble truth (nitpicking it selectively)–they will only speak about those events they actually see or participate in with others. If we Believe The Word, then we can be true witnesses for all God has said when we have hidden the Word in our hearts and have participated in the works of spreading the Gospel.

Do we understand that The God who has no form or origin, no beginning or end is truly The God of Heaven, all Creation and without Him, nothing was ever created; He is not “a god” as others say? Have we fine-tuned our relationship with Him so we know when we hear Him and will not listen to the lies of who speak against Him or oppose Him? Do we know that everything He did for His chosen, He will continue to do until He returns to take us to be with Him?

If we are going to be true witnesses of who He is, we must learn to model our behavior after Him. We should do what He does, according to what He has said. We love, we teach, we admonish and correct, and we forgive and move on. We know not everyone will hear us and that’s their choice; our job is to share the Gospel, not make people believe since we have no authority or ability to make anyone do anything.

We are told by Jesus if others will not hear us to shake the dust off our feet and keep going. In other words–keep it moving–we don’t have time to waste on those who are determined to allow Satan to rule their lives. We pray for them that they will see a need to turn to God, but we cannot make them. We allow them their choice and leave them to their consequences!

God has always allowed people to make choices–and what we actively and consciously do is a choice. He allowed Adam and Eve to make choices and left them to their consequences. He allowed Herod, and all the leaders of Egypt to make their choices and live with their consequences. He is the same God, using the same strategy to get us to Believe Him. He used the prophets and miracles and He’s yet using prophets and miracles and most of us are–miracles--we survived situations that should have killed us, but we are yet here–to testify of His goodness–as true witnesses!

True witnesses understand and believe everything The Word has said because they hear God speaking through Holy Spirit, confirming His Word and directing us in all things. All who believe Him (not man or men), and can act on His behalf are His true witnesses that will bring others into knowledge of Him.

Alive When Dead!

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4,5 NIV)

People have written books about the walking dead, made movies about the walking dead, the zombies who were dead brought back to life, the vampires who were immortalized though dead, and yet all these created terror in the hearts of those who knew they were dead.

When we were the walking dead because of our sins due to lack of knowledge, God’s love for us was so great, that He came and took upon Himself our spiritually dead lives and quickened us to become alive–not as a terror to people, but as a testimony of His grace and mercy. What a difference!

Most Believers should be able to make a distinction in their lives between what their lives were like Before Christ and what their lives are like After Christ. I call this my–BC time and my AC time. In my BC time, I thought I was living–doing what I wanted to do, without much regard or consideration to others–especially those who attempted to tell me anything about The Word. However, when I reached the bottom of the pit (my Damascus Road), and could no longer enjoy the simple things I loved to do–buying new books, I had no other book in my house but the Bible and my love of reading motivated me to read it, not a great desire to understand it was God’s Word.

I read on the bus going to work, during my breaks, on the way home and at home during my leisure time. The more I read, the more I felt something changing in my life. The more I felt the change, the more I wanted to change, until eventually, I reached the stage of my life where God could speak to my heart and I heard and understood and obeyed. Hallelujah! I had no idea that I had been the walking dead until I understood the life that God wanted me to live!

While I understand the reticence that some may have in accepting The Bible as God’s Word, I encourage all to re-think where their lives are and know that if there is even the slightest possibility that “you are the walking dead” because of a life lived in opposition to God, get into His Word and enjoy the newness of life that He has planned.

There is nothing like knowing “the better life” that God has for us. Know that provision has been made for us to be “alive when dead” with Christ Jesus because of God’s mercy and grace and now is the time for us to receive it and be glad!

I am so thankful for the BC time because it gives me greater appreciation for my AC time–living life with Christ in the midst is so much better than living without Him.